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What is HPV Genital Wart?

 Genital warts seen in both men and women are genital manifestations of sexually transmitted HPV infection. It is also called “condyloma acuminata”. There are more than 200 types of HPV virus (Human papilloma virus) and 40 of them cause genital warts. The types that cause the most genital warts are HPV 6 and HPV 11. However, these HPV types do not cause cancer. 

Especially in women, other HPV types can be found in the body at the same time, so tests such as Pap Smear should be done. Genital warts appear as dark or light brown bumps on the skin, and sometimes as spots. It can be seen as one, or multiple warts can appear side by side in a cauliflower shape. Sometimes, warts may be mistaken for meat or not noticed at all. It can cause bleeding and itching during sexual intercourse. 

Whether the virus gives symptoms or not, there is a possibility of infecting other people because it is in the body. Therefore, it cannot be determined when and from whom the HPV virus was transmitted.The earlier genital warts are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Warts can be treated with creams, various burning methods or surgery depending on their size. 

How is the HPV test done? 

The HPV Test is a PCR test. The HPV test is also known as the HPV DNA test or the HPV PCR test. It differs in men and women in terms of sample collection. 

How is HPV Test done in women? 

The patient is taken to the examination table for a gynecological examination. In order to perform the HPV test, if there are no warts, the test can be done with a swab from the vaginal area. If there is a wart, one of the warts and a swab are taken from the vagina and sent to the laboratory in a transport tube containing protective liquid. In women who have undergone HPV Test, Smear test should be done with it. 

How is HPV Test done in men?

If the patient does not have warts, a swab is taken from the tip of the penis (urethra), groin, bags and penis root with cotton swabs and sent to the laboratory in a transport tube containing protective liquid. If there are warts, a sample is taken from the warts and placed in a protective liquid and sent to the laboratory. The sampling time for the HPV DNA test is approximately 2-3 minutes. If a sample is to be taken from the wart, local anesthesia is applied. You can easily return to your daily life after the procedure.